Thursday, 8 November 2007

Yet More Government Website Waste

A self-assessment health website. Are we really that helpless that we do not know when we're in bad health? And if we do, what business of the government's is it to ensure that we're leading healthy lives? Taxes you say! Bollocks I say; my fags'n'booze contributions will have paid for many treatments by the time something serious happens to me.

So one aim of this system is to increase the amount of truth revealed by patients when seeking consultation. This is understandable, I have no doubt there will be an ever increasing need to increase levels of truth given by patients to doctors. What else will arise but a breakdown in what patients are willing to reveal to doctors, when faced with the government's recent ludicrous proposals regarding non-treatment of fatty boozer-smokers and other such participants of unindoctrinated free living?

Seems more likely to me that the government know that people will be telling porkies when visiting the doctor, so to combat this, they are to provide a friendly system to gather your truth. What better way to later tell you that you are ineligible to treatment than holding up self-contributed evidence against you.

I'd advise all to steer a wide berth around this website when it goes live.

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