Friday, 9 November 2007

Speeding cash cow

Government plans to introduce a two tier speeding penalty system are being proposed, with drivers hitting the faster band being charged 6 points and £100 fine.

I guess that if they take 6 points from you, it is unlikely you're going to be speeding again in a hurry, so best the government financially milks it the first time...

But the Government is planning to drop a previous proposal to introduce a lower fixed penalty, of two points and a £40 fine, for driving only a few miles per hour over the limit.

I don't recall this proposal, possibly because I'm so cycnical I would have ignored it the moment I saw it. Only a fool would believe such short term headline proposals.

The Parliamentary Advisory Council for Transport Safety welcomed the Government’s retreat from the idea of a lower penalty.

Rob Gifford, the council’s director, said: “Lowering the penalty for any speeding offence would encourage drivers to take more chances.”

He also called for police to be given more discretion to enforce even minor breaches of the limit. Under current Association of Chief Police Officer guidelines, drivers are given an allowance of 10 per cent plus 1 mph over the limit. This means they will not be fined at speeds lower than 35mph on a 30mph road, 46mph on a 40mph road and 79mph on a 70mph road. Mr Gifford said: “Police need the flexibility to enforce any breach of the limit, even 1mph over it.”

Who is this numpty and why the bloody heck is he allowed to give advice to Parliament? Anybody advocating the enforcement of speed limits breaches of 1mph is off their rocker. The reason it's 10% plus 1mph is because this is the widely accepted margine of accuracy in speedometers. Now doubt, he'll next be advocating fining car manufacturers on an ad-hoc basis if cars that break speed limits are proved to report within the speed limit...

Thursday, 8 November 2007

FIA Impartiality

Let's see if it is so and whether Renault get charged $100M as well.

Somehow I very much doubt they will get fined anywhere near the same amount...

WI Talking Sense

Not too often I agree with the Women's Institute, though after slow clapping Blair, they infinitely went up in my estimation. However, the Hampshire WI have approved their backing to a campaign to seek licencing of brothels.

Whilst generally more legislation is a bad thing, this is an area with zero legislation beyond criminalisation. Making something illegal doesn't make it go away. Licences will provide a basis to make the industry safer for both traders and punters, whilst at the same time uncriminalising those who solicit and providing the Exchequer a means to take its cut from this vastly lucrative business.

The WI wholeheartedly have my support for this campaign.

Yet More Government Website Waste

A self-assessment health website. Are we really that helpless that we do not know when we're in bad health? And if we do, what business of the government's is it to ensure that we're leading healthy lives? Taxes you say! Bollocks I say; my fags'n'booze contributions will have paid for many treatments by the time something serious happens to me.

So one aim of this system is to increase the amount of truth revealed by patients when seeking consultation. This is understandable, I have no doubt there will be an ever increasing need to increase levels of truth given by patients to doctors. What else will arise but a breakdown in what patients are willing to reveal to doctors, when faced with the government's recent ludicrous proposals regarding non-treatment of fatty boozer-smokers and other such participants of unindoctrinated free living?

Seems more likely to me that the government know that people will be telling porkies when visiting the doctor, so to combat this, they are to provide a friendly system to gather your truth. What better way to later tell you that you are ineligible to treatment than holding up self-contributed evidence against you.

I'd advise all to steer a wide berth around this website when it goes live.

8.5% of Scottish Population on Legal Drugs?

According to the BBC if the assumption is that one daily dose reaches just one person, which I doubt it does.

The rates also rose with levels of social deprivation.

So social deprivation in Scotland has risen four-fold in 15 years then? I find this hard to believe, but would not be suprised with NuLab controlling most of the country.

The article gives a couple of opinions that suggest that the cause of increased incidence of mental illness is as a direct result to increased social deprivation (whatever this is exactly, is anybody's guess!). I find this hard to believe. The problems have likely been there all along, but either identifying them or the willingness to identify them hasn't been as great as it is today. I'd hedge my bets on the latter.

Prescription drugs are an often overlooked and most dangerous tool in the state's arsenal to keep us in subservience to the state.

Lord Levy, Shut Your Trap

I had hoped we'd seen the back of this chap for a while when TB left, but as we all know Hope didn't escape Pandora's Box...

Ignoring his views, the second part of this article grate me:

Lord Levy said the "cash-for-honours" affair had damaged the political "system".

No, you and your cronies damaged the political system by walking too close to the line of the law.

"It caused me personally a great deal of hassle and aggravation and my family.

Sorry about this, how silly of us not to take your considerations into account above those of the law of our humble country.

Wednesday, 7 November 2007

The 2012 Stadium

A focal point of the Olympic development:

Futuristic inspirational design:

Grand stage to host global sporting event:

But what's this? The final design, realeased today by the 2012 organisers:

A fucking Party Ring biscuit??!!


Stagnant surfing

I've been using this interweb thingy everyday for over ten years. I used to be able to bounce around finding interesting things to see and read. Now, I feel like I am in stuck in an information bubble, where the more I use it, the less I find. Does anybody else experience the same and if so, how are they reinvigorating their net life?

Alcohol, MSM, Lackeys and the Sad Case of Sally Clark

I'm sure all those who have followed this case have done so with revulsion at her treatment over the years by the system, ultimately leading to her death earlier this year. Today the coroner's report has been released in which it is determined she died of alcohol poisoning, reports the Telegraph. No suprise here.

A number of points in the article frustrate me:

Sally Clark, 42, had so much alcohol in her blood when she died that she would have been five times over the drink-driving limit, post mortem tests showed.

That's not a bloody lot of alcohol, even for a lady. If we take for argument's sake for a lady, one 175ml glass of wine to reach the driving limit, then five times the limit is just over a bottle of wine. Most unlikely to kill anyone, but it sounds alarmist. Five times the limit, wow! Rubbish! Many social drinkers manage to go ten times the limit without thinking about it and without dire consequence.

"These problems included enduring personality change after catastrophic experience, protracted grief reaction and alcohol dependency syndrome," the coroner's officer told the hearing.

Alcohol dependency syndrome? Another name packaged in PC speak. Alcoholism to you and me. It's not a nice stigma to attach to anybody, but cut the crap, the lady (understandably) became an alcoholic due to the shit the system put her through and now the system is trying to playdown the severity of the condition it helped create in her by proxy of its actions.

"There has clearly been a most tragic history leading up to Mrs Clark's sad death," the coroner said. "The court's hope is that Mr Clark and the family will be able to treasure all the happy memories they have of Mrs Clark."

What fucking family? The two children that died were the cause of her incarceration and now she is dead Mr Clark is left on his own. Do these people ever think before they open their mouths with the textbook sympathy they are seemingly trained to regurgitate?


Ban Bullying at Work Day

A great cause of which I wholeheartedly support all limp wristed, paranoid, insecure, fat, stupid retards at work to cry up to.

Liberal Conspiracy... ...yawn

I've added my $0.02 to an introductory thread on Liberal Conspiracy. I'm not expecting any coherent reply, or for it to really last too long, but I felt it had to be said in any case...

Sunny, I admire the sentiment behind what you are trying to do. The left certainly need to up their game online. However, please don't take offence when I say that your post read to me like what I would imagine Gordon Brown's thought processes to be at present, starting with the obligatory "if I don't like what their going to say then I'm not going to listen" - not a great way to start a discourse with fellow thinkers.

Next, you're throwing out politico buzzwords: 'progressive', 'forward-looking', 'positive vision', 'robust discussion', 'shared narrative', 'broadly identify', 'shared values' - what the heck do any of these really mean? Although we have learnt to cut through this rubbish when listening to politicians, if you truly want to become a refreshing voice for the left, a good start is to leave all this spin-speak behind. We're done with it and want straight talking.

"Militant" - did I really read that word? I honestly thought I would never again have heard that word in any use from the left. If you are trying to reinvent the word over time, then good luck!

In fact, good luck all round. I shalln't be commenting beyond this thread, as I have nothing whatsoever to agree with you about, but I wish you the best of luck all the same.


I expect it will be moderated, so leave it here for posterity...

Friday, 2 November 2007

I'll eat as much or as little as I damn well like thankyou!

The Food Nazis are back. Last week we were eating too much. This week we are not eating enough!

A campaign has been launched by yet another tax-payer funded quango. Like all the others, this campaign will no doubt have legs as it starts with the assumption that we're all idiots. What better way to put your message out that to cunt off those to whom you are trying to preach?

The Love Food Hate Waste campaign from WRAP (Waste & Resources Action Programme) has little to say, but obviously lots of our money to say it with.
“At a cost of £8 billion a year, it’s a serious issue that not only impacts the environment but our pockets too”.

The £8bn refers to the cost of wasted food and not the quango in case you're wondering! However, as BOM points out, the quango costs us £80m a year. Not an insignificant sum by any means. In fact this organisation of 200 people costs us 1/100th of the total cost of food waste of 60 million people. Is that good value for money?

The PDF report itself, which the campaign has been launched with, starts with a nice misleading overview:
Each year in the UK we throw away about one third of all the food we buy and at least half of this is food that could have been eaten.

then further on
Food waste is a big problem in the UK. Our estimates suggest that we throw away as much as a third of all the food we buy; and at least half of this is food that could have been eaten, if we had only managed it better. The rest is inedible, for example vegetable peelings, tea bags and meat carcasses. Overall around 6.7 million tonnes of food waste is produced by households – that’s about a fifth of our domestic waste.

So in fact, what they really mean is that we waste only 1/6th of our food; 3.35 million tonnes of food, the other 3.35 million tonnes being inedible waste itself.

Back to the introduction:
At WRAP (Waste & Resources Action Programme) we have committed ourselves to working with retailers, consumers, local authorities, community groups and other stakeholders and partners to reduce consumer food waste by 100,000 tonnes by March 2008.

So they are looking to make a reduction of a mere 1/35th, hardly seems worth it, does it? Ah but it is, I hear our delightful socialist friends saying, it is wealth creation, keeping bums in jobs, saving the planet, helping us re-wire our brains. The usual nonsense. The fact is that when taken in the grand scheme of carbon emissions, this tax funded back-slapping jolly aims to have a net UK carbon reduction of 0.068% of CO2 emmissions - a great sum of absolutely fuck all!

The origins of their calculations are obscure, if not pulled from a hat, with no mention about how they arrived at them in their report, beyond surveys (see Appendix 1 of the PDF "WRAP’s Research Studies" - not one mention of anybody physically getting their hands dirty and rummaging through bin bags and the like!).

Further digging in their FAQ document:
How do you calculate the environmental damage caused by food waste?
We know how many carbon dioxide equivalents (greenhouse gases) are produced in the UK from Government figures, and experts in the UK and Europe suggest that almost 20% of the total comes from producing, transporting, preparing and storing food and drink. We also know that when food is sent to landfill it produces more greenhouse gases as it breaks down. We can calculate how many carbon dioxide equivalents are linked to food, and if we assume that half of the food thrown away could have been eaten (and we think that most could have been) then this is equal to at least 15 million tones of carbon dioxide equivalents. We know how many cars there are on the road, and how many carbon dioxide equivalents the average car produces, and so we can work out that this 15 million tonnes is the same as that produced by 1 in 5 cars in the UK.

So, thus I arrive at the following calculation:
3.35M tonnes of waste produces 15M tonnes of CO2
100,000 tonnes of waste equals 2.985% of food waste

2.985% of 15M tonnes of CO2 equals 447750 tonnes of CO2

UK CO2 emissions equal 658M tonnes (2006 - Source)

447750 tonnes equals 0.068% of CO2 emissions

OK, so we have ascertained that this exercise is a pointless waste of our money for such a negligible aim, but I guess at least this bunch of parasites aren't as foolish as some of the other target hunters in government, with their ridiculous aims to reduce CO2 emissions by tens of percent whilst trying to sustain economic growth. OK, I joke. These people are worse. They are not clouded by idealism, they are clouded by gravy train.

Moving on from these noble aims, the report itself is at best GCSE project dog turd. One of the section titles is "Are We Bothered?", to which the only answer can be No; 'cos if we was bovvered we wutnt fuckin' do it!

Please do read the rest if you can keep your dinner down and not end up wasting that precious food also...

Onto the campaign itself. It is supported by Ainsley "Ready Steady Waste" Harriott. 2 teams, 1 hour, cook it up to bloody nibble on it. Where do these delectable dishes end up I wonder? Acton tip most likely! In any case it is supported by Wavey Hands, which nullifies the whole bloody thing. Having him telling me how to cook is more than enough.

There is a myriad of further holes in this shoddy organisation and their ill conceived dictatorial campaign, but I leave you with their disclaimer:

While steps have been taken to ensure accuracy, WRAP cannot accept responsibility or be held liable to any person for any loss or damage arising out of or in connection with this information being inaccurate, incomplete or misleading.

Good thing they disclaim themselves as I was thinking of suing for loss of temper reading through their imbecilic twaddle.

Spread betting

Is good for the soul...

...if you subscribe to the notion that you should be peniless in order to get into Heaven...

Does anybody know the EU law on deportating dangerous criminals?

Following the latest blocking of the deportation of Chindamo, this article suggests that the Italians are looking to deport 100 Romanians:

Later, the Italian government issued a decree to deport all "dangerous immigrants" to their home countries, in line with a European Union directive on security.

So, is this just empty rhetoric to calm a baying crowd or does the Italian government know something about EU law that our dear old Mr Justice Collins doesn't?

I don't know the answer, but it does raise questions about the interpretation and application of these pan-EU laws.

NB. Nice to see the Italians still have a sense of humour:

Walter Veltroni, the mayor of Rome, said: "Before January 2007 Rome was the safest big city in the world. In the first seven months of the year, 75 per cent of arrests for murder, rape and robbery have been Romanians".

I guess if you don't include pickpockets and robbery in your statistics then Rome probably is a pretty safe place...

Beer after workout good for you?

Apparantly! So if this is the case, why do I always get a terrible headache if I play rugby and drink immediately after?

Calm before the storm?

According to this BBC article that insolvencies are down this quarter. Methinks that only an idiot would see this as a trend to continue. A financial shitstorm has been swirling on the horizon for two to three years and those that are clever enough to have appreciated this have been doing what they can to strengthen their cellars. They'll be needing them for protection soon when the storm arrives over the next year.

The only problem is that as a UK taxpayer, as we now know following the Northern Rock debacle, I'll end up being forced to pay the bill for other's lavish ways whether I like it or not when the storm finally arrives...

Why Dragon Well?

"Dragon Well" is the translation of the name of one of my favourite Green Teas; Longjing. There are a number of variations, with the most common being Xi Hu Longjing which is absolutely fantastic; light, subtle and refreshing, yet with a full rich, slightly nutty flavour. If you're interested in finding out more, Google can help. If you like green tea, indeed even if you don't, you should try to get hold of some, you won't regret it!

Thursday, 1 November 2007

The trouble with facing and reporting facts

I am forced to pay my licence fee for this crap? I want information: facts and detail. Instead I get another poorly written article that seemingly the BBC struggled to type, as it pains them that the US are in fact succeeding with aspects of the campaign in Iraq, "The Struggle for Iraq" as the BBC have disingenuously called it, but that's another article altogether!

To start with, why the quotes in the title? "Deaths in Iraq 'continue to fall'" - it's not an attributable quote and it isn't conjecture; it's fact. I'm 'getting fed up' with the BBC's overuse of sodding quotes for emphasis, it automatically introduces a slant of suspicion to their reporting. If I want opinion I will read blogs or the comment sections within the media. When I go to read the news, I want the news. Impartial, balanced and detailed news. Instead I get this rubbish.

There is no single reliable source for statistics but a number agree on a marked improvement, correspondents say.

Really? Well CNN provide a reliable source, the Iraqi Government no less:

The number of Iraqi civilians killed in September was 844, down from 1,990 in January, according to Iraqi governmental figures provided to CNN.

Source: CNN

And they're hardly known for their Iraq support, yet they can muster up the courage to name their source. Indeed the LA Times is quoting the source directly as the Iraqi Health Ministry, not that difficult is it?

But what's this a few paragraphs below?

AFP news agency quoted interior, defence and health ministry data as saying at least 554 Iraqis were killed and the bodies of another 333 people who may have been killed in previous months were found.

Oh look! There it is - the source after all! So either the BBC is inept in it's writing or deliberately misleading. Most probably both. Furthermore, the figures look pretty exact; would 554 or 333 be used if they were just unreliable estimates? I think not. So the lack of reliable sources for the statistics is essentially bollocks.

The BBC's Jim Muir Baghdad says different sources do have different casualty figures for October but they all agree that the number of Iraqis killed by violence was again at a much lower level, as it had been in September.

What a coincidence having the town of his posting as his surname! The BBC editorial team seem to have been too busy working out how to put a negative slant on this article than to worry about the basics of grammar. The small yet important point of this is that standards need to be upheld.

I digress, back to the article itself:

Our correspondent says one question is whether the improvement is a predictable temporary result of the surge that might be reversed when the US military starts drawing down troops.

"Predictable temporary result"? Sounds as if they almost want it to end! Notwithstanding the fact that this is the objective of the surge is it not? And yes it may well be reversed when they finish the surge, but it would be hoped by that point that the Iraqi army will be able to fill the gap and continue to reduce troubles. I don't believe the correspondent realises that in trying to attack the strategy he is in fact advocating it's continuation.

Now I don't know how much they pay their correspondent, but I sure as hell hope it isn't a great deal...

However, our correspondent says despite the improved figures, bombings and shootings happen somewhere in Iraq every day.

Well whaddya know?! Did I just read that right? I cannot believe they have the nerve to state the aboslute bloody obvious. I'm glad they did 'cos 'til tonight I thought things were all peachy over there...